The “Muse Room” is the room in my house where I make music and my wife makes visual art. Published the first Friday of every other month (though not this time), each issue of Letters from the Muse Room includes news and updates about my music, as well as something that has inspired me creatively over the past two months.
Dear friends,
My news and inspiration for this month were one and the same: playing my first pop music show in a very long time at PorchFest on October 14!
[Me playing guitar and singing on a porch!] It was a chilly day, but more people showed up than I expected, and I had a blast performing. It was great to finally share the five new songs with the world. Here was the setlist:[My PorchFest setlist!]
A friend with high-quality cameras showed up and took some great pictures:
[Me singing at PorchFest.]
[Me singing at PorchFest, with the back of my daughter’s head in the foreground.]
[Me singing at PorchFest, with my Fender Acoustasonic amp in the foreground.]
My other piece of news is that I plan to record and release an EP, hopefully next year, featuring the five new songs. The EP will be called After The Flash, and this will be the tracklist:
Who I Am Part 2
Paradise Lost
Love After The Flash
Ocean Eyes
I look forward to sharing more about the EP in the months to come. In the meantime, though, my friend also recorded a few video clips, including clips of two of the new songs. Check them out at the YouTube links below!
“Too Far” clip (from Songs From My Shelf):
“Paradise Lost” clip:
“Ocean Eyes” clip:
(These links are unlisted for now, to give you all the first sneak peek, but if you’d like to share them with a friend please feel free!)
[Me singing passionately at PorchFest.]
If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook over the past two months, you know that I’ve also been inspired by the Indigo Girls:
[The Indigo Girls album Retrospective.]
And this book by composer Dale Trumbore:
[The cover of Staying Composed by Dale Trumbore.]
And this quote by composer Ben Johnston:
[Quote from composer Ben Johnston.]
And this lovely view of Shirley Bush Helzberg Symphony House (where I work) at sunset!
[Shirley Bush Helzberg Symphony House, the headquarters of the Kansas City Symphony.]
Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful holiday season, and I will see you in the New Year!
AJ Harbison
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