

  Free Download—Paradoxology (1 track, 5 minutes, 7 MB)

The unbelievable believed
The impossible done
Eternity subject to time
Eternal God is born a Son

The King is born to lowly peasants
Eternal Word encased in flesh
Becomes a curse so we are blessed
His life perfected by His death

We believe it, it is the truth of love come down
And it’s a mystery, how the God of all could love me now
Knowing all I’ve done, and all I am, what I couldn’t do He did

The child of wrath, a child of promise
We hated Him, but He loved us
While we were sinners, Christ came
He died to save His chosen ones

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

We believe it, it is the truth of love come down
And it’s a mystery, how the God of all could love me now
Knowing all I’ve done, and all I am
Knowing all I’ve done, and all I am
You know all I’ve done, and all I am, what I couldn’t do You did